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10 ways to improve male testosterone levels
Update:2022-08-09   View:491

Testosterone is a kind of sterol hormone, which is secreted by male testis or female ovary, and a small amount of testosterone is also secreted by adrenal gland. It can maintain muscle strength and quality, maintain bone density and strength, refresh and improve physical fitness. Sufficient testosterone is also necessary for the maturation of sperm cells and the maintenance of male fertility. Testosterone is much higher in men than in women.


1. Leg training

Leg training not only gives us a healthy body and vigorous energy, but also increases the oxygen content of the whole body, improves physical quality, strengthens muscles, increases the secretion of testosterone, and is the best supplement to the male reproductive system. This internal strengthening effect is far better than any health medicine. Leg training is the best aphrodisiac.

2.Zinc supplement is recognized as an essential element for promoting testosterone. 

Similarly, zinc is an indispensable trace element for human body. It plays an important role in the maintenance of the normal structure and function of male reproductive system. Zinc deficiency will reduce the number of sperm, affect sexual desire and reduce sexual function. The best way to supplement zinc is food supplement, such as the following foods with more zinc: oyster meat, raw oysters, beef, malt, etc. of course, you can also eat zinc nutrition, but it's best to supplement!

3.B6 and B12 can promote testosterone secretion. 

You can get group B through nutritional supplements, but the best way is to get it by diet. Foods containing a large number of group B include, eggs, avocado and malt. Vitamin B6 is closely related to amino acid metabolism and can promote amino acid absorption and protein synthesis. Vitamin E is recognized to have anti-aging effect and can promote skin blood circulation and granulation tissue growth. Vitamin sources are mostly in fresh fruits and vegetables.

4.The accumulation of fat will have a great impact on the secretion of testosterone. 

It will reduce your androgen secretion, that is, the level of testosterone! So, be sure to stay away from junk food that makes you accumulate fat. Exercise more, eat a healthy diet and avoid fat accumulation!

5. Planned training

Regular and planned aerobic training can reduce unnecessary fat. Reducing weight loss will reduce estrogen secretion. Similarly, like the previous article, increasing will reduce your androgen secretion!

6. Sprint

Many studies have pointed out that sprint can increase testosterone levels in the body. If you want to improve testosterone through sprint sprint, you can try to sprint 5 ~ 10 times at a time, control each sprint within 15 seconds, and the rest interval of each sprint can be 3 ~ 4 times of the number of seconds. If you practice this two to

7. Heavy weight

Then doing strength training, you can choose light weight many times or large weight few times. Large weight can stimulate more testosterone secretion. It is recommended to do systemic heavy weight training 2-3 times a week, such as bench press, hard pull, squat and other heavy weight training.

8. Rest time

Scientists have found that when the inter group rest of strength training is maintained for 2 minutes, the best way to secrete testosterone is. Shorter rest time is also OK, but it will secrete more other hormones, such as growth hormone.

9. Forced times

When exhausted, if you can't push it up, find a partner to help complete the action. The number of forced times can secrete more testosterone than many times of training, but pay attention to safety. This move is best used in multi joint sports such as bench press, squat and push.

10. Do less endurance cardiopulmonary exercise

Long distance endurance exercise will reduce testosterone, and endurance exercise will make the body comfortable. This fitness allows the body to reduce testosterone and avoid synthesizing too many muscles, so as to make the body lighter.


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Boldenone, Oxymetholone, Drostanolone, Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone    

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